Sunday, July 5, 2009

Many thanks to everyone who prayed for our Teen week here at camp. Our prayer was that God would work in a mighty way among our campers. On the eve of camp our speaker Mark Gold ( shared some thoughts with the staff. One of his thoughts was that if God wanted to do a work He would, but if He chose not to certainly that was His perogative as well.
The week of camp went very well with no significant issues that one would expect when gathering a group of teenagers. Everyone of our staff did an outstanding job performing their individual duties and responsibilites. The week flowed as scheduled and was a testament to the hard work that everyone put in and certainly was an answer to prayer that God would protect us from any of the distractions that the evil one would try to employ.
Our speaker had a gift to be able to connect with the teenagers with a blend of humor, passion, and the truth of God's Word. Many teenagers as well as staff were impacted by the nightly messages. At the end of the service on Wednesday evening Mark asked any teenagers who did not know if they had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ to leave the chapel and go to the lodge. What an awesome sight to be able to see about two dozen teenagers spread out all over the lodge with our staff paired up with them! Through your support we were able to have a part in eight campers receiving Christ this week and many other personal decisions being made. These eight precious lives that have begun their journey with Jesus Christ have many of you to thank for being part of our ministry and allowing us to have a small part in their lives.
Please pray this week for our Jr/Teen week of camp. We will have a camp filled with 12/13 year old boys and girls. What an exciting and yet challenging week we have in front of us! Pray for our staff that we would have the energy and wisdom to keep up with the Jr. Highers. Pray for our speaker this week, Eamon Wilson, that God would use him to speak to our campers and staff alike.

Many thanks for your prayers and support for our ministry here at Camp of the Woods. We could not be here ministering in this capacity were it not for individuals who believe in the Great Commission. The changed lives we have been able to witness this week will be credited to many more people than are here on site at COTW.