Monday, March 9, 2009

The Beginning

This was created so that we can keep those who are interested in following our ministry up to date. We are currently raising prayer and financial support so that we can spend the summer at Camp of the Woods in Northwest Ontario, Canada.

Camp of the Woods as a ministry has been around for more than forty years. Our first trip was during the summer of 1996 when Jeannette and I spent the summer working on the summer staff. Since then we have led two separate groups from North Point Baptist to the camp as well as two separate trips during the past twelve months. In the past couple of years the permanent staffing level has decreased and today there is one family working there full time. The need is great for workers and we are answering that call to go. One reality of answering the call is that we need to raise approximately $7,ooo in the next three months. While this may seem like a large amount, we are convinced that God will provide. And the way He provides is through His people as He leads them.

Not only do we need financial support, we also covet your prayers. WE CANNOT GO AT THIS ALONE! We dare not attempt this short term trip without bathing it in prayer. Please pray with us over the next days, weeks, and months.

1. Pray for Johnnie and Becky Bates as they are the only full time staff ministering on site at this time.

2. Pray that we would be able to raise the necessary financial support within the next several months.

3. Pray that God would bring together just the right summer staff for the summer camping season.

4. Pray that God would do something AWESOME this summer at Camp of the Woods!
Stay tuned for more updates!!!

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